My friend, ministry partner and spiritual amigo Chris Nichols preached this weekend at the Alliance Academy staff retreat on Hebrews 12-13 in Quito. We all joked that it was nice to have a 'real shower' and challenged the group comfortably living within a 10 block radius of the school to do 'out of the box hygiene' and join us out in the country (Conocoto). My girls, Ann and Maggie still looked like a million bucks! What troopers....how do they do that....a couple minutes behind closed doors.....Hebrews 13:6 says " We can say with confidence 'The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me'" The first Jesus we say we all know about. He hung and maintains the heavens but we still insist on a weather report....what's ahead, what can I expect. We look in the mirror for answers but His face reflects the faith, hope and love found in his name alone. Its hard to get out of in front of the mirror either asking questions or looking for answers. I admit I'm guilty of the latter, just ask my family.
The second Jesus (Hey-zus) is one you probably don't know. The Lord in his wisdom, chooses to work through His people in our lives. We look for miracles, signs and positive things and He gives us Himself in the flesh. Jesus (above on a rock) is a believer who works at the foundation. He has been with them a little over a year. He is a 38 year old hard worker, on his second family (believing wife and 4 year old daughter) and is a man of action. He speaks no english and speaks little of his kids 'on the coast' who he misses terribly. He drives too fast (his job-driver), brushes/flosses too little (has two gold teeth) but is just right in the indispensible friend/accountability partner department. His family lives in Yurac, a small peasant, agricultural Kichwa (indian) community across the valley about 45 minutes away. Pastor Miguel, (foundation director) birthed one of four churches there through Jesus and his family. People living there are only one generation away from being enslaved by wealthy spainards or their very own people! Evangelical Christianity found its way there about the same time. It is the closest community to Anti Sana, an active volcano about 5-6 miles away. I came to be used to change and transform hearts/lives but the Lord is changing mine.
Thank you Lord for my Family who came willingly and is learning to love our new home. Thank you Lord for my friend who started our ministry and found this place on the web: Vickie Nichols. Thank you Lord for my dark-faced, Kichwan friend who bears your name and countenance. Thank you Lord for my friend who preached the freedom of the Word to former slaves in their language: Ronnie Brock (above). Thank you Lord for holding us captive to Your Grace!
Love you guys so much and love the updates! We're always praying for you and hope to get a chance to hug your necks again someday in the future!